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Become a member to attend the preview of Breakdown: The Promise of Decay
Curated by Rylee Eterginoso and Colleen Evans
Breakdown examines the vibrancy of decay. This interdisciplinary exhibition explores notions of time, waste, and the in-between. Breakdown shines a light on the dark corners of the life cycle recognizing the oft-overlooked workhorses of the ecosystem. From mycelium to microplastics, this exhibition focuses on what breaks down and what does not. It asks visitors to value a world they cannot see in order to protect the one we can. Breakdown features contemporary artwork, objects from the museum’s collection, and scientific innovations in the curious world of decomposition.
Featured Artists: Selin Balci, Jade Doskow, Tamara Kostianovsky, Phyllis Ma, Antonia A. Perez, and Lisa Ann Schonberg
With contributions by Dr. Martin Melosi, Louis Vassar Semanchik and Michael Falco