
Take a break from the summer heat!  Visit the Staten Island Museum.  Our air conditioned galleries are the perfect place to cool off while viewing some engaging exhibits.  The Museum is open Wednesday-Sunday from 11:00am-5:00pm.

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Yes, And presents recent work in video, performance, painting, photography, installation, drawing, and more. Together, thirty-six artists express themes of connectivity, resilience, and vitality, reflecting this time in history when a global pandemic continues to teach us the fundamental importance of relationships and the meaning of place. This hyperlocal exhibition references life on an island, legacies of self-determination, land development over time, and the enduring power of nature.

Yes, And explores what it means to be connected to Staten Island.

The theme “yes, and” suggests the abundance of experience on and perception of Staten Island. This complicated and prodigious borough contains a multitude of narratives that cumulatively offer an earnest impression of life in the United States.

The title is a reference to a classic improv rule-of-thumb requiring performers to accept what another participant is suggesting, and then build on it. In this way, Yes, And presents an expansive theme for artists to consider and encourages the open sharing of ideas and perspectives.

Featured Artists

Irma Bohórquez-Geisler Nathan Kensinger
Mary L. Bullock Sizhu Li
Robert Bunkin LuLu LoLo
Linda Butti Jahtiek Long
Arlette Cepeda Paul Moakley
Edward Coppola Bill Murphy
Lisa Dahl Zahra Pars
Day de Dada Samuel Partal
Natasha Do Sage Reynolds
Alanna Dunn James Francis Richards
Kevyn Fairchild John Sanderson
Phyllis J. Featherstone Mike Shane
Volker Goetze Stevie Ray Soloway
Susan Grabel Rob Stephenson
Terry S. Hardy Alana Urcia
Griselda Healy Amanda Wu & Zach Rothman-Hicks
Kay Healy Yu Zhang
Katarina Jerinic

“I make my work for the Island, so we can feel reflected, especially those who feel left out of the conversation when we think about Staten Island culture and representation in the narrative.”

—Jahtiek Long

Preview selection of work


Lead support for Yes, And provided by:

Amazon Logo

With generous support from:

NYC council on the arts logo

Additional support provided by The Jaques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, the Staten Island Advance/SILive, and NYC & Company Foundation

NYC & Company Foundation Logo

Exhibition Graphics by Imaginary Office